If your fire is regularly puffing large amounts of smoke into your room, there is likely an explanation for this that can be addressed. See the below checklist of the various items that can cause a downdraught:
Firewood: Are you using dry seasoned wood? Check with moisture meter. Ideally, wood should not be burnt when its moisture content is above 20%. A moisture meter to check your firewood is recommended.
Fuel Loading: Load your firewood front to back, as this allows the air to flow between the logs and help with the burning cycle.
Fuel Loading: Before opening the door, open the airslide fully and wait 30 sec to 1 min before opening the door. Turning off the fan can also be helpful, as it stops the flow of air dragging smoke out of the heater
Ignition: Is the heater being lit properly to ensure correct draw? See “Lighting you fire” under “Operation”. Note that it especially important with larger woodheaters to build a large fire, filling the firebox to ensure it draws air correctly. It should also be noted that this lighting technique is more vital with modern/current Australian woodheaters than it was with models from 15+ years prior, due to changes in emissions regulations.
Ignition: be sure to leave the airslide in the fully open position for at least 15-20 mins when first lighting, as this ensures the fire is able to get roaring hot and encourage airflow through the flue system, and allows better burn off of particulate during the stage when the firewood is generating the most smoke. This should also be followed when adding new fuel to the fire.
Flue length:- 6m of flue is required by Australian Standards for any woodheater in Australia. If you woodheater has less than this, it will struggle to operate and will likely smoke. It should also be noted that this is the minimum.
If your flue has any bends, or depending on other environmental factors (ie: high winds, gullies, etc) you may require a flue extension to achieve the expected level of draw. If you do have bends in the flue this may also necessitate a specialist cowl to help overcome the reduction in airflow caused by this. Enquire with your local dealership about Turbo or Rocket Cowls.
Flue Obstructions: Are there any trees or building structures within 3m of the flue cowl? If so, this will affect the flue’s ability to draw properly. A flue extension may be required to move the cowl away from the obstruction (if the obstruction can’t be removed (ie: tree branches)
Flue Obstructions: Is there any part of your house that is higher than the flue cowl? If so, a flue extension may be required to bring the cowl above the roof line and into clear air.
Internal Obstructions: Remove your baffle plate and check for any build up on top. Remove any build up before reinstalling the baffle plate.
Flue Blockage: Over time, even through using good firewood, your flue will need cleaning to ensure it is clear and operating effectively. If you are using wet wood, this can happen rapidly within a few burns. Hence, you should have the flue cleaned on an annual basis, or anytime that you begin to experience smoke spillage int the room.